A ground-breaking approach

Complexity Science

Organisations are groups of people. Everything that happens in an organisation depends upon how its people behave. Organisational resilience depends on how people respond to shock events that a fast-moving turbulent world context generates.

Influencing Behaviour

We cannot build resilient organisations unless we can influence behaviour in organisations. To influence behaviour, we must understand the complex influences that cause it. However, conventional organisation science has proven incapable of doing this.


In response to the inadequacy of conventional organisation science, a new perspective called Complexity Science emerged in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

The turbulent world context has accelerated the evolution of Complexity Science. Complexity Science is an interdisciplinary science with tools and methodologies that blend insights from the natural and social sciences to explain Organisational Behaviour.


In Causation in Organisations, we briefly explain the conventional perspective in organisation science. In The Illusion of Control, we explain why the traditional perspective poses a problem for organisations seeking to develop resilience. Finally, in Complexity Science, we briefly outline the complexity perspective.

Continuously developing new ideas

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how we can help you, please get in touch with us here.

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